Resources Civil Society UPR Advocacy Manual Asserting the Right to Nationality without Discrimination and Combatting Statelessness in the Dominican Republic Asegurando el derecho a la nacionalidad sin discriminación y combatiendo la apatridia en República Dominicana Red Ana Observaciones a Ley Modelo del ACNUR para la Protección de las Personas Apátridas Amnesty International Amnesty International, ‘Where Are We Going To Live?’ Migration And Statelessness In Haiti And The Dominican Republic, 2016 Amnistía Internacional, ‘¿Dónde vamos a vivir?’ Migración y apatridia en la República Dominicana y Haití, 2016 Plan International Plan International, Count Me In! The Global Campaign for Universal Birth Registration, 2006 Plan International, Count Every Child: The Right to Birth Registration, 2009 Hungarian Helsinki Committee Hungarian Helsinki Committee, The Black Box of Nationality: The Naturalisation of Refugees and Stateless Persons in Hungary, Gábor Gyulai, 2016 Resources at the European Network on Statelessness ENS Reports Countries Studies & Working Papers Annual Reports & Newsletters UPR, CRC and other ENS submissions Amicus curiae on stateless persons’ right to residence United Stateless Reports & PublicationsJoint Submission to the Human Rights Council at the 36th Session of the Universal Periodic Review